Tuesday 11 September 2007

It's up to you...

Photo courtesy of low resolution
Much to Steve's jealousy, 2 weeks today I am off to America! I will be visiting Boston and New York. This does mean that there will be a couple of weeks where I won't be posting (I'm just not that dedicated... I haven't been in an internet cafe for about 5 years now), but I'm sure the blog will thrive in Steve's capable hands. Hopefully when I get back I will be bursting with ideas, not to mention awash with photos as I'm planning on buying a camera (hurray for the exchange rate!).
While shopping won't quite be at the uppermost in my priorities list, I welcome any suggestions of places I just shouldn't miss.
I'm so excited!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you have a fun trip.New York is great. ( only been twice, but I really like it) Are you going to stop by Tom Ford's new store? It looks great from the pictures.

    I like your site,


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