Tuesday 9 October 2007

Picture Postcard: Men and Make Up

I thought I would post an image or two from Paris, it would be rude not to and along the way open the debate of men and make up. Here are two example for you to discuss:

Image 1 is courtesy of Facehunter. Traditional but stylish and I think it looks good.

Image 2 is courtesy of DDD. I saw this in guy and thought it worked well although the image here doesn't show it in the best light.

Think I prefer the first one (and not just because he's prettier)... so Oliver Twist-y it almost hurts. I think this would work really well as a low key look for those sick of eye liner- it's certainly what my makeup ends up looking like by the end of the day. Teeny bit of shimmer on the cheekbones and done. Men's makeup, I feel, shouldn't take more than about 5 minutes, though I'm not sure why. The second look looks a bit like Adam Ant who missed. Or maybe the fifth ninja turtle.


  1. Spare me. The last thing I want to worry about is my makeup running. A well scrubbed face is the best. I'll save the makeup for the stage and I hope I never come off like I'm on stage when I'm not. My wife doesn't even wear makeup and she is gorgeous.

  2. I think alot of men prefer girls to wear less makeup. The most beautiful girls are the ones who can wear lipbalm and nothing else whilst looking great. It is time for the revolution, in moderation men can experiment more with make up. It isn't something I've done. If i looked like the chap in the first pic i think i'd investigate Boots

  3. i love the white make-up!
    and your blog is glorious.
    truly inspirational!
    many thanks for your kind comments!
    take care,
    stephen in seattle


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