Tuesday 13 November 2007

You can't buy style but you can make it

This was the title of a recent entry on the sartorialist and upon reading this it made me feel guilty that I do not make/personalise enough of my clothes or accessories. I have a long list of accessory and garment ideas that i have penned into my trusty notebook but these ideas have never been realised and that is a little shameful. I thought about trying to hide behind the excuse that maybe it is because of my gender (it is true in the sense that I know countless girls who are thrifty and make their own clothes and no guys) but I had sewing classes back at primary school. I am just lazy. But I want to change! Is there anyone out there who regularly makes items of clothing? Are there any keen male knitters out there? I am going to see EJ this weekend and part of that weekend will be spent in her teaching me the difference between the knit and the purl. Photos will follow....


  1. I wear bandanas which I make out of any interesting material I find and, yes, I actually hem them on a machine.

    I also stencil t-shirts. I make the stencils. They are always of my favorite women.

  2. the best of luck on this!I'm sure you are going to make lovely things. Sometimes DIY clothing turns out looking a little homespun (dirty hippie) but I am positive that you will make it great (well dressed man)

  3. I too clutch at any excuse to avoid sitting down to the nitty gritty of customisation.

    Actually, this Summer, I was v.brave indeed. I bought fabric and drafted patterns for a pair of tapered trousers...

    ..that, rather unsurprisingly, never materialised.


    Good luck though!


  4. i know what you're going through
    In my previous Design school everyone thought i was in fashion and my frens encouraged me to screw architecture and study fashion...

    i've quitted architecture to realise my dream in fashion and am currently self studying fashion...

    cross our fingers that we can make it big...

  5. Yes... top point. I'm doing an ongoing feature on 'skint style tips' basically writing about customisation. Next one will be about dying clothes... You should write one!!!!

  6. hope the knitting gets better; the furthest ive even gone was sewing wool into patterns into an existing jumper; and of course making tshirts...can't wait to see more results of the knitting experiment...

  7. Thanks everyone, i will keep at it and learn as I go along. I will of course keep you posted on my progress and will one day post a marvellous homemade ensemble.


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