Sunday 3 February 2008

Style Diary: Travelling and First Day

The all important travel outfit. I am far from a seasoned traveller. The furthest I had ever been prior to New York was Crete which was a four hour journey, this was twice that long and comfort was the key. Before the trip I visited Uniqlo and picked up some great basics. Quite surpisingly the first part of this travel outfit diary is filled with colourful bargains from the store which is seemingly taking over London town and in particular Oxford Street (seriously how many Uniqlo stores can you fit in such a small space?) and prior to this I had never bought anything before. Excuse the below mugshot looking image. I'm not really a psycho killer, blame my crazy stare on jetlag or something.

The 'New York Here I Come' outfit
1 - Uniqlo grey ribbed top
2 - Unconditonal wrap trousers
3 - Omar Kashouri cardigan
4 - Battered old Converse. I am looking for some new hi tops on this trip

The 'New York Here I Am' outfit.
1 - Unconditonal t shirt with bibbed front
2 - Uniqlo red jeans. Red jeans? This has to be my most unusual purchase ever, but I like them. They have a good selection of colourful jeans and these add some colour to my otherwise monochrome focused palette.
4 - Uniqlo (yes Uniqlo again) blue cardigan. I thought I was over cardigans but they are so useful when layering and again this adds colour!

The first day in New York was spent wandering around downtown, concentrating on Soho and Nolita. It was a relatively quiet day because I was just getting used to my surroundings and if i'm being honest a little grumpy because I was tired. The shopping highlight for me was INA, a consignment store which had some interesting items, friendly 'stoned' staff and great music. I tried on a pair of Prada trousers which had stirrups. Unfortunately (or luckily) they were just too short for me, they fitted like a glove otherwise (althought I was a little perplexed by the stirrups). Off to Brooklyn today which has a host of great stores and Brunching options.


  1. The 'New York Here I Come' outfit
    is really nice

    and thanks for the INA tip,
    i'll be in ny end of feb

    see ya

  2. Yes, the NY here I come outfit is very nice. Tell me more about the trousers.

    Too much pastel for the bottom outfit. Show me again in May.

  3. i found the error, thanks it's been fixed. more of a typo type thing.

  4. Lynn & Horst - INA is definitely worth a look. I had a great time in Williamsburg yesterday, I will post after breakfast about the many great shops the area has to offer. I bought everything on my list. A pair of hi tops, raw denim jeans and something interesting.
    J - The trousers are by Unconditional. I picked them up at the Shop at Bluebird on Kings Road. Wrap fly, tapered bottom, they are a play on proportions and so damn comfortable...although I do have the worry that I've not tied them properly and could expose myself at some point duirng the night.

  5. There's a fascinating article in this month's Creative Review about Uniqlo's expansion into the UK and how it almost bankrupted them.

    Roebling Tea Room!

    I love Uniqlo.


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