Wednesday 20 February 2008

Visiting Bridehead Revisited for first time

I am currently without a laptop of my own (I really need take mine in to be fixed!) so rather than spend my evenings exploring the wonderful internet world I have taken up that old habit of reading novels (do you remember doing that?). I have just started reading the famous and quite controversial Bridehead Revisited and I like the story's narrator have fallen in love with the old English aristocracy... As I do I am sure to post various style pics from the likes of the Sartorialist which remind me of the novel.
I have just found out that they are making a film version starring Ben Whishas as Sebastian Flyte

A still from the 1981 film starring Jeromy Irons


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this novel. Oddly, last month I was staying with a friend in a very grand Georgian home in the Cotswalds called Peirs Court. The owner told me that Evelyn Waugh used to own the place. It was magnificent, and this photo could have been taken there.

  3. So they are making a movie, how lovely. I surely hope that it will have the same spirit as the TV-series. =)

  4. Hello Mr Irons all young and fresh!

    Adding you to my blog roll btw!


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