Sunday 23 March 2008

Why can't my Easter be like...

"Why didn't you tell me I was in love with you?"

A scene from Easter Parade (1948) starring of course the one and only Fred Astaire and Judy Garland

Bring back the top hat for Easter I the very least let's have a Parade...we don't have enough parades if you ask me...


  1. Fred has some ridiculous outfits in this movie - brilliant.

  2. This is the only film which springs to mind where I don't mind Julie Andrews (I know, I'm so controversial), it must be Fred's outfits which dazzle my perceptions!

  3. Well, Stylesavage, you just "outed" straight! That's Judy Garland, not Julie Andrews...a mistake any god-fearing gay man could never make! (hee hee).

    I found this site as I looked for a picture of Fred in this movie so that I can pattern my outfit as closely as possible after Fred's in the final scene for this Sunday's Easter Parade in NYC. Big fun...I've done it the past 5 years. Finally got some spats and a top hat that fits (7 3/4 !!), so I'm ready to go! Will post some pics if it all works out!


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