Wednesday 26 March 2008

Window Shopping

Upon my return to the big smoke after a flying visit to the old folks I fancied window shopping and that was exactly what my venture into town was reduced to, as all of the shops that were on my list to visit were closed on Easter Monday. ho knew stores were actually still closed over Easter? By Monday i had eaten all of my eggs so really Easter was over in my mind. Top of the list was a visit to b store and as peering through the window did little to feed my consumer urges I went online where I watched the below video. This weekend I will visit the store and I will buy something...


  1. i do get what your saying b store is pretty impressive and has clothes by young and exciting designers its like the oppisite of KTZ

  2. the hair! the cuffed pants! this is just so wonderful!
    this video is hard to watch and hard to not watch all at the same time

  3. For those who are interested bstore are having a sample sale starting from today (Friday at 10:30) I am popping down after work.


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