Friday 11 April 2008

Rejuvenated by a simple white shirt

This post quite nicely follows up from EJ's post below...I woke up this morning, as I do most mornings, extremely tired and looking a little worse for wear (this wasn't a hangover I can assure you) but as I was getting dressed this morning my sartorial choices perked me right up. I had no time for a cup of tea or breakfast of any description as time was severely lacking as I peeled myself off my mattress. However, when I reached into my wardrobe, picked out a freshly washed and pressed white Reiss shirt and covered my weary, naked flesh I was instantly rejuvenated. There is nothing like a white shirt to breathe fresh life into you.

Talk of white shirts make me want to go home and pick up Issue 5 of Fantastic Man (which contained 'The White Shirt' - eight white shirts and what makes them such refined pieces of understated design) and made me re-read a piece of my own posts where I pleaded that white shirts are certainly worth celebrating and deserve much more than their, at times, dull image allows them. Unfortunately I am at work at the moment and off home in Kent for the weekend (which means only a dial up connection and although i like the dialing tone I don't like the pace of it) so there are no images to support this post but I'm sure EJ will find some great ones for you to enjoy.

As promised...

Our man Picasso sporting a more casual white shirt and looking amazing as always.

The quite spectacular Jonathan Rhys Meyers modelling for Versace a couple of years back. If there's a man that has repeatedly proven how good a white shirt can look, it's JRM.

Why stop at a white shirt? Why not white everything. It's possible that only Cecil Beaton could pull this one off so well though. Apologies for the dodgy image quality on this one.

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