Sunday 25 May 2008

The French do it best... again

If you're anything like me, you spent last night watching the joy that is Eurovision. Let's not go in to the voting, but needless to say France were robbed. Oh well, just enjoy Sebastien Teller rocking a serious beard and sharp white suit.

Almost as good as last year's entry. Who ever thought wearing a cat sewn onto your collar could look so good? (warning: this song is ridiculously catchy)

I'm no where near as big a Eurovision fan as EJ but I watched the contest on Saturday, severely hungover from the previous night's exploits...and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! The acts were in the most parts enjoyable, I was however surprised by the number who sang in English despite their poor grasp of the language...and the judging was as bad as ever. Tellier was suberb even though his delivery borrowed a great deal from Jarvis Cocker...he rocked the white suit and he had the best entrance ever on a golf cart! I'm now a Eurovision convert


  1. ah ej...

    i just read this, and you've read my mind! rocky bought the sebastian tellier lp, sexuality... and the whole thing is great.

  2. Tellier was great, very different to the other entrys! Any chance you would like to exchange links? I really like your blog

  3. Tellier definitely works that white suit so well! ;)

    Isn't the winner from Russia?

  4. I didn't see any of it, but from what I understand the Bosnia-Herz entry featured women in wedding dresses knitting. Which sounds awesome to me.

  5. Also - why are so many of the songs in English? Really...laughable English?


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