Thursday 28 August 2008

Oh my.

From the Tabio website: "As supplied for the character of The Joker in Warner Bros. Pictures "The Dark Knight" - Tabio's Joker Socks are part of movie history!"
£16 might be a bit steep for some people's tastes, but I'm sold. Available to pre-order here.


  1. Can we get the rest of his outfit as well?

  2. I'll keep my eyes open...

  3. It's gonna be a shame if the wearer doesn't flaunt these socks! haha

  4. NOOOO! there couldn't be a worse time for me to be broke. Superb socks but I'm not a fan of the glitter in certain places.

  5. Dear Style Salvage,
    You had talked about week 2 for men represent on style icons. What's happening? Has anyone posted on style icons as part of this? If they did which ones did you like the most? Can we have links to them?

  6. oh wow indeed, they are just fab

  7. Jonas Fred- it's not glitter; if you look at the detail picture on the Tabio website it's a sort of bobbling (ok, so I can't describe it well). It gives it more texture and interest than plainer copies that I've since seen on various sites. Ok, I'm sounding like an ad now!

  8. I think men should really go to town with their socks. How often so you see a man with a a great suit on, then when he sits down, it reveals awful, tatty, boring socks!


Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!