Saturday 9 August 2008

Update: call to arms

A little more padding, a little less mystery:

Men Represent came about because there still seems to be a huge gulf between women's fashion blogs and men's. Despite the recent increase in the number of menswear blogs we are still outnumbered and seemingly outgunned compared to womenwear blogs.

So what are we trying to achieve? In short: unity, innovation and awareness.

Unity - it is one of our main goals to get one and all talking to each other much more than we currently do! Comment, links and support. No man - and no blog- is an island. Hopefully this project will introduce you to and get you talking to other men's fashion bloggers. Unity is strength, after all.

Innovation - Men's fashion is often considered to be the safer and less innovative sibling compared to women's and I'm sure that people think the same of the bloggers. This is obviously not true! What we want to do is to show people that we are at least as exciting and intrepid as women's fashion bloggers, if not more so!

Awareness - the problem, as well as the benefit, of the internet is that it's just so huge. What we aim to do is to promote men's fashion blogs- there's little point in writing amazing prose if no one knows about you.

So what have we asked people to do I hear you cry!

Week one:
This is a fairly easy one, and it's all about awareness and unity. Contributors should post at least one outfit a day for a week starting 11th August to wardrobe_remix.

You may remember that we posted about wardrobe_remix back in April but for those of you that aren't familiar with it, basically it's a community on flickr where people post photos of the outfit they've worn that day.

At the end of the week we've asked the contributors to analyse their week's worth of style diary and blog about or send us across your musings.

If you're interested in taking part (and we haven't emailed you already) then send us an email and we'll send you the full details/instructions. Come on, get involved!

Keep an eye out for the contibutors on w_r next week!

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