Tuesday 9 September 2008

Dusting off Men Represent - Change you can believe in

We have had a number of comments in recent weeks asking us about the status of Men Represent. It got off to a solid start with the w_r posting which EJ recently highlighted and we managed to reach out and create a dialogue with a number of new bloggers. Since then however, Men Represent has lost its way somewhat and we would like to get back on track with it all as we have not fulfilled our promise. As I sat at my desk at work today (while I should have been working) I had grand notions of writing a speech inspired by Obama but then decided against it. I will however remind you of the aims of the movement; it was one of change, of creating a better world. In short, with Men Represent we aim for unity, innovation and awareness. After the first few weeks, it has been clear that there has been interest. The issue has been galvanising this interest into something tangible, something productive. We have grand notions as to where Men Represent can go but ultimately we want to instill a greater sense of community amongst menswear bloggers. With this in mind we would like to introduce the blogs who have already expressed an interest in taking part.

The Sunday Best - Thom is an interesting chap with a lot of things to say on the world of fashion, a lot of it amusing. His interests include fashion, writing, photography, sketches of hats, food, bourbon, stories, films involving dance routines...With him on side we are confident of success and so should you. We are currently loving his One leg a time comic and cursing the fact that we didn't do something similar first.

The Journal Of Style - Written by Jonas Fred. Jonas started the blog to spread his knowledge of fashion and help increase his own knowledge on the subject. The Journal Of Style is aimed at more casual styles than formal (although there is a bit on formal dressing). It's a new blog - less than 2 months old.

Buckets and Spades - Written by Matt Ahoy who lives by the seaside and who studies Fashion Promotion at UCLan, drinks cocktails and eats cakes.

The Staple - Written by a consummate consumer blessed with an aesthetic eye yet no tangible artistic talent - reporting from the urban metropolis with the latest in ephemeral goodies. This was one of the first blogs that Steve read online and it's a constant read...he just wishes XS updated it more.

The life and times of a problem child - Gian documents the days and loves of a jeune homme who calls himself a fashion voyeur and a cinephile at the same time.

Kyle Feel Good - Follow the life of a 20-year-old pretentious fool (his words!) whose fluctuating interests jump from fashion to biking to travels. Throw into the mix some rambling about university life and the occasional drunken night in beautiful Vancouver, Canada.

Iluwfashion - This blog needs no introduction as I'm sure you're all regular readers... a Swedish gent in London who has a taste for luxury goods.

Style Flavors - This is a guide to fashion, accessories, living, travel and things others might associate with superficiality.

Daniel Jenkins - A shop owner rather than a blogger but we all know that he has a lot of interesting things to say on menswear so let's listen up!

We are in conversation with Gert Jonkers, Jop Van Bennekom, Tyler Brule, Charlie Porter and the usual crowd but to be honest we would rather keep it between the key bloggers. You have to concede that we have a strong lineup of bloggers on board already, why not join the party and comment or drop us an email. In terms of the subject matter we would like the cause to explore, the options are endless and we would like your involvement as much as possible. We want Men Represent to become a forum of ideas, something which can allow us to evolve men's style blogging and create something interesting. We are far from aimless however and have a number of ideas which we would like to explore under the guise of Men Represent, these include; modification projects (you just don't see enough of this within men's style blogs), a shop guide (beginning with a write up of your favourite shop we will map out the stores of choice and creating a valuable resource), interpreting/applying fashion week to your wardrobe - from runway to your bedroom, to name just a few ideas.

Where would you like Men Represent to go? As a nice re-introduction to the campaign and to introduce us all to one another it would be great if everyone interested in taking part emailed their own 5 Essentials (idea stolen from men.style). I will leave the concluding sentence to Obama..."Fellow men's style bloggers, we are better than these last few years. We are better bloggers than this."


  1. It's time to bring back the action to Men Represent and in particular with W_R!!!!

    It's been a while since I did my last post...

    Here's to more ACTION!

  2. That's the spirit ginacinephile! Will you be sending across the list of your 5 Essentials?

  3. Send the 5 essentials to your email or to comment on the blog? Also I notice that journal of style has aldready started your idea of runway to bedroom.

  4. To our email account please: stylesalvage@googlemail.com
    That Jonas Fred is ahead of the game then. it would be nice to see all of your interpretations though. We will more than likely take something different from the shows and we will certainly apply it differently.

  5. I will, Steve!

    ... but I will have to think things through as I would have to limit it to five! I better start narrowing down my essentials. lol

  6. Tyler Brule? He might be a little busy editing Monocle...

    look for a video review of Monocle, with a comparison to the incredibly crappy Pendulum.

  7. Eurgh winter autumn summer spring collections make my head explode.

    Does anyone write about what they actually wear or would like to buy?

    I think that everything should be as simple as possible!

  8. il get my thinking cap on. top 5 anything would you say, inspirations ect?

  9. Giancinephile - I have faith in you.If yuo really can't wittle it down...well we will make an exception for you. Zut alors!

    The Sunday Best - Me and Tyler go way back. I've used the trusty google to find the review but came up empty handed and confused. Can you send me the link please?

    Lost - The shows don't excite me anywhere enar as much as they should. I do enjoy reading peoples criticism/declarations of love on thefshionspot though.

    Mat ahoy - Top 5 anything, as long as it's Essential. What 5 things related to style, can you not live without.

  10. Due to various reasons like class and new friendships I've been neglecting my blog immensely, which is why I was surprised to see me on your list there! I am flattered.

    Hopefully that's a little incentive for me to keep it up and running. Perhaps I am a little uninspired. I will get back to my old pretentious self soon *crosses fingers*

  11. Kylefeelgood - Life has a habit of getting in the way, especally in terms of blogging. Please do keep it up! In the meantime send through your style Essentials.

  12. Phew! Finally posted my 5 Essentials on my blog. Feel free to check it out.

    At this point I'm curious to know what the others would put in their list. haha


Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!