Sunday 21 September 2008

ON/OFF - Switching on to Rozalb de Mura

As promised, the early part of Sunday morning (the glorious sunshine woke me up far earlier than expected) was spent analysing the collections on However, the aim was to create a wonderful montage of my favourite London show looks...this will come, in time and will probably merge into one all conquering montage with the New York shows, but first I would like to dedicate a post to a menswear label which showed as part of On/off, Rozalb de Mura. Rozalb de Mura is not a name I've noticed previously (although I've since found out that the aw 08 collection - The Thing - was featured on mensrag last month) but I'm taking notice after the latest collection, which showed an acute understanding of fabrics and textures whilst being playful and offering something a little different to everything else seen over the last two weeks.

What makes me like this collection even more is that the label is Romanian. Rozalb de Mura’s Olah Gyarfas is working hard to change the perception of Romania from fashion slave into something of a fashion competitor, it certainly is one of the most exciting brands to come out of Eastern Europe and I just had to share it with you.

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