Sunday 28 September 2008

Why isn't Borders open 24 hours?

I've been waiting for the new issue of Fantastic Man (the issue is No. 8) for months now, thankfully the waiting is nearly over. The issue includes Fergus Henderson, a look at Chanel Menswear, Spectacles, Bowler Hats and so much more I'm sure. If only newsagents were 24 hours and stocked up on Men's Fashion/Style journalism...I'm afraid I'm going to have to sleep on it and rush to Borders in the morning before work. Sweet dreams.


  1. Chanel menswear is pure mediocrity. I think they should just stick to womenswear unless they put a little more effort to the design process.

  2. I still can't get the new Man About Town, so I suspect this will be a long time coming. On a positive note, American Apparel carries it for $10 less than other stores. Weird but true.

  3. I popped into my local purveyor of fashion magazines and was laughed at when I enquired when Fantastic Man was due to arrive..... (The joys of small town living!)

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your troubles getting hold of FM. That is strange news about American Apparel, I didn't know that though, thanks for sharing Thom. I'm suffering from the effects of my Saturday night exploits today. I must be getting old because my hangovers now last for two days when I used to be able to shake them off as soon as I had drunk a can of Dr. Pepper! That said, I'm going to haul myself to either Borders and/or the newsagent on Old Compton Street during my quest for Fantastic Man!

  5. Oooh, sounds interesting. I need a bowler hat.

  6. Ca - I would love to see you in a bowler hat. It's a difficult hat to wear without people thinking you are off to a fancy dress party but if anyone can do it, you can. I've not managed to get my hands on the new issue despite trapsing around half of London after work yesterday.

  7. Yes, I agree. The I've neglected the bowler hat due to the fact that I haven't found the right way to wear it. Yet. Style challenge? Haha!

  8. Ca - I like the idea of a style challenge. I want to make it a regular feature. At the beginning of the week I will challenge readers to incorporate an item of clothing/accessory into their everyday look. There might even be prizes to the best submissions. Let's start with the bowler hat!

  9. Wow, sounds good! Must get my hands on a bowler hat soon!

  10. decent cover. seem to cover the suited man's fashion?

  11. ca - I'm off to shop in Manchester with EJ and who knows I might just pick up my own bowler hat!

    mond - I would say it covers the suited man's fashion and so much more. It certainly isn't one dimentional.


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