Tuesday 14 October 2008

Arena Homme makes it to 30

"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months"
Oscar Wilde

The new issue of Arena Homme + kept myself and Susie (who bought and then read Vogue all in the space of 5 minutes) entertained on the train back home to Kent. The new issue marks the 30th Issue Anniversary of this quite awesome bi-annual and came in a choice of three covers (photographed by Willy Vanderperre, fashion by Olivier Rizzo and accompanied with illustrations by M/M (Paris). Beginning with the cover the anniversary issue portrays an other worldliness inspired by Dickens and Wilde and is full of crazed characters, a fair bit of vanity and a surprising number of epigrams - a world I would like to frequent. Over the last few years we have gone through something of a golden period in men's fashion and there can be no doubt that Nick Logan's creation has been a part of and indeed facilitator of this time. Nick Logon (who also gave us The Face and Smash Hits) is a publishing pioneer and recently stated that "Homme+ is probably my proudest achievement. To realise a magazine that competes internationally, where all of those big designers and brands from Italy and France really felt it was a must to be in it was always really something for me.To be based in London at a time where magazines like Homme+ did not exist, it felt like the entry into another world." Now that the baton has been passed on to a new generation, the magazine is still at the forefront. Happy Anniversary Arena Homme +.

Below are the highlights from the main editorial 'A Young Man of Extraordinary Beauty' where they present fifteen Homme+ boys of past and present.

The final look in the bottom right is my favourite. Lucas wears wool sleeveless jacket and cotton t shirt by Dior Homm (s/s 09), silk lace scarf (worn as vest underneath) by Number Nine (s/s 09), eslastic armour made from customised martin Margiella Bustier, finishedd of with an 18k gold safety pin by Commes des Garcons. I would like Olivier Rizzo to dress me every day.

1 comment:

  1. I've always liked Arena Homme + and how it's not afraid of sticking to gender norms.

    Plus this is the issue with the rather "racy" editorial styled by Panos Yiapanis with the models wearing Prada and Givenchy, right??


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