Sunday 26 October 2008

Waiting for winter to be born

Yesterday was a beautiful Autumn day in London and it was spent in the best possible way, walking around Regents Park, kicking leaves and on the hunt for the duck pond which we never did find. Autumn is my favourite season as it offers so much styling opportunity. However, ever since EJ first told me about Yokoo and then Susie featured the etsy seller I've wanted to wake up to winter and have a wealth of winter accessories to choose from. Like a squirrel collecting his nuts for the cold months ahead I will begin searching and hoarding the best winter accessories out there and of course I will document my finds here. The search begins and could almost end with Yokoo as I buy everything in her etsy store.

P.S. - Judging by her latest collection I think we should petition for Sandra Buckland to try her hand and knitting needles at menswear.


  1. wow that looks like quite a scarf, it's getting chiller by the week!

  2. Oooh, I want to go back to London. Regents Park is so wonderful!

    And yes, feel free to stalk me, Steve. Haha!

  3. Hello Steve! This is me the guy who asked you about the Swear London pigskin lining. I have a blog, finally! Come and check it out. I have listed your blog as one of my top fav!


Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!