Thursday 27 November 2008

Messing around in the mirror

I know we posted images of this chap from garance doré only yesterday but the more we looked at the spread of images, the more we fell in love with this chap's style (EJ went as far as calling him her new BFF on the images alone!) and he certainly deserves additional attention. -we have been starved of interesting men's street style for sometime so lets celebrate our first piece of nourishment in weeks! The post yesterday concentrated on his glorious round tortoise shell spectacles but we just had to talk about his hair, here is a man who is not afraid to play around every morning in front of the mirror and style his hair in a way which suits his outfit that partticular day. EJ is constantly requesting that I change my hairstyle because I've been wearing it in more of less the same way for the last few years. Gio has inspired me to mix it up a little. Armed with an assortment of Bumble&Bumble styling products and a comb I decided to have a play around with an element of my style which has remained motionless as my sartorial choices have evolved. I present to you an animated gif (who needs fancy videos when you can say it all in a gif? teehee) of my hair adventures...hopefully it will inspire you to think a little more about how you will wear your hair tomorrow.

This might not look much but EJ will testify that messing with my hair (however small) takes me out of my comfort zone. I like talking about hair and hair styles, as long as it is other people's.

Are you adventurous when it comes to styling your locks? How often do you change your style?


  1. Tight curls don't lend themselves to whimsical changes Steve, but over the years I've sported a close shave, an afro, a fro-hawk, and more recently I've been working on a black man's pompadour which I sport today.

    I really want to experiment with a Sam Cooke style hair-do and a Fredrick Douglas kind of thing. Tight curls are hard to work with so it takes time and patience. Lots and lots of patience. Change is a long time comin'.

  2. Haha, funny animation!

    I'm boring when it comes to change of haircut. Have had the same one for a couple of years now. Too lazy to style it so I'm putting more effort in my choice of clothes and accessories.

  3. similar situation with me, i have curly hair but its quite thin so there isnt much i can do with it at all. ive been through the whole afro(ish) indie hair a few years back but now im just going for a really closely shaven at the sides 50s style. i have shaved it around the sides to a number 1 as well, when i was messing with punk stuff. thats the one thing id change about myself if i had the choice, id get much thicker hair!

    yours is looking pretty cool with the old gel back or to the side vibe, love that bowtie too, wheres that badboy from?

  4. ian brown - I'm sorry to hear about your hair trouble! You should defiitely experiment though.
    ca - Your mighty fine collection of clothes and accessories means you cna play it a bit more safe with your hairstyle.
    mat ahoy - I dream of thicker hair as well! Fortunately I have a lot of hair...I just wish it was thicker...we always want we don;t have.

  5. sorry mat I forgot to tell you about my bowtie. It is old school Marks & Spencer, I found it in an old drawer at my grandparents house and just couldn't resist it.

  6. its wicked, and looks pretty sweet with that white polka dot shirt! i bought a navy polka dot shirt at the weekend from topman. i have 1 bowtie, it is the last thing my gran bought me before she past away, so its extra special, also from m&s! so snap

  7. This is very cool! I love changing my hairstyle,In the past year I've had it chopped up a la Aggy Dean, then it grew into a 60s type boyish bob, and now its a curly natural bob! Change is good..

  8. I always have something slightly different done to my hair everytime I have it cut, which is like every three to four weeks. I currently have a cut that's long up top and cut really close at the sides, I love the option of being able to wear it up or down, with the two looking very different from each other.

  9. Giftastic! Nice spectrum on men's hairstyles. I loved that guy on Garance, what a beaut. I hate my hair, and going to the hairdressers. My hair's not thick, or fine, or curly or straight. I give up!
    I'd be more than happy with a black man's pompadour...


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