Monday 10 November 2008

Style Salvage (Steve) Needs You

Is the queuing worth it? I don't think so...but maybe you do!?

Judging by previous high street and designer collaboration launches, not to mention the above pictures from the Tokyo launch, the queue for the much talked about Comme des Garcon collection for H&M will be knee tremblingly long along Oxford Street on November 13th. What frightens me more is that the fight to the best items will be a hard one...the chances of an elbow to the face or a kick to the shin will be extremely high (there will be some die hard, blood thirsty collectors amongst the hungry hoards). This is where I need one plucky volunteer. If you haven't noticed already, I am quite a lazy individual and as I'm being honest with you all, somewhat indifferent to the Comme des Garcon collection for H&M (that said, I would still like to get my hands on a few of the pieces (namely the polka dot items).

So I am looking for plucky volunteers who are eager to stand in line for me. To save time, I've started an imaginary conversation with you...

Me: Who would like to stand in line for me?

You: What's in it for me? I mean the wait will be long and knowing London it will certainly be raining...

Me: You want a reward other than my admiration and appreciation?

You: Um...Yes...

Me: about a Kinder Egg?

The ball, or rather the Kinder Egg is in your court. Upon reading this post EJ has suggested two smarter options but I find them just too sneaky but for those interest in the cunning workings of her mind, they were:

1) call H&M and see where else (other than the flagship store) the collection will be available and therefore bypass the crowds

2) Use Susie's power and influence to see if she can locate the polka dot pieces for me without going near a physical store.


  1. Funny post! The line is quite reasonably priced, so expect long lines. Do you plan on wearing the polka dot polo and shorts together?

  2. isnt the fun in lining up and getting it on with the hoards? :)

  3. Come to Holland. Due to the lack of male interest in personal appearance other than overly bleached jeans, the men's racks at H&M at these designer sales stay full for months. Except for the Cavalli sale that logically attracted the many overly bleached jeans lovers.

  4. H&M's website does have a store locator, so you can check which stores will be stocking the collection. There's about 5 stores in London with the collection, so pick the least busy and you'll be fine.

  5. izzydore - I think that would be just a little too much polka for one outfit but who knows.
    fuschiaboy - I hate queuing. I can just about take it when I'm waiting to get into a club but not to shop. I guess I could interview the other people though...
    anonymous 1 - haha!
    anonymous 2 - Thank goodness for the internet. I might just try the Regent Street branch.

  6. Steve, if you're really in it for the pieces then a line shouldn't stop you but on second thought that is gonna be a stressful shopping day.

  7. Haha, sounds like a good plan. Good luck with getting your hands on those items. Not sure if I will put myself through such efforts, the Norwegians in Oslo will surely go mad. May get kille in the crowd, better to avoid it all!

  8. giancinephile - Work is getting in the way of my plans as well! I've not got time to queue, I'm a busy man! tee hee.
    ca - I will let you know how I get on. I'm still weighing up the pros and cons of it all. The cons are working out to be meatier.

  9. Very amusing - will be looking forward to the results. I don't queue myself, religious reasons...

  10. option 3- go yourself, lazybones!!

  11. Option 4 - to hell with H&M and their crap construction. Just putting velvet on the earpieces doesn't make them good headphones (god I miss Dave Chapelle), and having CDG design stuff won't mean the buttons aren't coming off as you walk out of the store.

    But I'll take a couple more of those filters because I just bought two new Polaroids.

  12. the polka dotted bag is haunting me.


  13. Better get them while they last! I mean, when will we get an affordable piece from such a cult label? Even though the quality may be lacking, the prcie that you pay will justify it ;)

  14. bristol, Cabbot Circus store, is still basically full of the collection, bagged myself the navy polka dot shirt and the polka dot polo, in basically and empty store. x


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