Wednesday 24 December 2008

Advent - Day Twenty Four

I have only recently fallen head over heels with the Visvim brand but the more I see the deeper my love gets...the Virgil boot and FBT Shaman in this brown kangaroo leather are the best yet. If I had any Christmas shopping to do either of these would be my footwear of choice...I would just have to go out and buy them first...Happy Christmas Eve to one and all.


  1. Merry Christmas and happy holiday to you too!

  2. If only they weren't too expensive! I wanted a pair that's worth 600++ euros. haha

    I'm still rationalizing on purchasing one but they are beautiful shoooooooooes!

  3. Merry Christmas! The Virgils would look great with a suit! How much do the two pairs go for?

  4. Happy Hannukah to you Ian! Happy everything to you all x


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