Thursday 18 December 2008

Best DIY Project Ever!?!

I was fortunate enough to watch Daft Punk play the 02 festival two summers ago in Hyde Park and was blown away by their performance and of course I left the park wanting my own robot leathers outfit complete with LED Helmet. During my daily visit to Kanye's blog where I gaze over the plethora of links which he has managed to amass that particular day, I came across the best piece of DIY I have ever seen. If Casey Pugh entered this video into The Sunday Best's contest he would surely have a chance of walking away with the prize...

This makes me lose heart in the quality of my own entry to the contest but inspires to spend some of my Christmas holiday with a screwdriver and many, many LEDs. If I don't return from my Christmas break you will know why...

1 comment:

Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!