Tuesday 24 February 2009

Picture postcard: Stand and Deliver!

Dear Steve

Not so much a picture postcard as a video one this time around. The skies are grey here in Manchester and my February of no work is quickly coming to a close. It has taken a bit of classic 80s pop to shake me out of my sleepy state, berating me with lyrics likening me to a pensioner. Cheers Adam!

But really though, I've been lingering over thoughts of 'serious' fashion for too long... It's time to break free of the safe and the easy, if just in my own home for the rest of the week. I'll be twittering in eveningwear tomorrow! It's time for you to do the same. No, not the eveningwear but no more buying blue for at least 3 months! And make actually wear those feathers you bought in Liverpool. Hop to it!

In the meantime, enjoy Adam's literal and rather funny intrepretations of the lyrics. Stand and deliver!



This post is a look into the future...all postcards will be video messages! I assure that I will wear my feathers this week, I've already had a play around with them and am actually excited by the prospect of fashioning a pretty lapel accessory.


  1. Haha, the ever enthusiastic EJ!

    And what about those feathers, Steve? Didn't you mention a DIY-project?

  2. The Dandy Highwayman! Yet another amusing facet of dandyism.


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