Friday 12 June 2009

Having fun with the RCA's class of 2009

As we all know by now the RCA's MA graduate show is one of the best (and most exciting) places to discover the fashion stars of the future so I was disappointed to miss out on seeing the show firsthand yesterday. To make up for it I've been catching up on the catwalking images and the coverage over on Fashion156 and Dazed Digital. The latter of which has recently uploaded some awesome backstage shots by Patrick Lindblom and I just had to share a few of my favourites before escaping for the weekend to the Kentish seaside...

It was great to see the young designers have fun with their collections whilst providing some of the most exciting menswear we've seen for some time. I missed out on Jae Wan Park when I compiled my preview favourites but these shots combined with the show images have catapulted this designer in to contention for my favourite graduate finds.

As I hinted at in my preview post, I was most excited by Mathew Miller's collection which explored masculinity with a somewhat jovial approach to the macabre. Miller balanced sharp tailoring with humour as he experimented with laser cut polka dot bombs, dancing skeleton pique bibs, cute cable knitted skulls, to name but a few interesting details.

It was great to see a number of the menswear designers experimenting with eye and head wear throughout their collections. Both Jae Wan park and Mathew Miller demonstrated that there is nothing dull about glasses!

Alex Mattson was in a even more playful mood, producing brightly coloured jumpsuits with rainbow-hued neckpieces and space ship-esque headpieces...

This is just a selection of the talent displayed in the show and I expect great things from this emerging talent. For more backstage images check out the Dazed Digital article in full and for more coverage of the show itself take a look at the daily blog over on Fashion156.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really intriqued by the eyewear in pics 3 & 4. The David Hockney-esque round is looking really good to me lately...& is a nice alternative to all those communist block black frame spectacles every seems to have.

    ~Joe @ Mister Montage


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