Tuesday 1 September 2009

We're almost back...

After refreshing our blogging batteries and enjoying the sunshine (when and where we could) over the last week, our short shorts have been replaced with suitable work attire and we are almost ready for business. In the meantime here's a glimpse of things to come...


  1. Wait...short shorts aren't suitable work attire?

  2. Picture has got me all excited! I see shoes, lots and lots of shoes!

    Amy xo

  3. TheSundayBest: Ooh nice idea but no! I might embark on my shop dream if you came over and worked alongside me!
    WendyB: I cna get away with it but shoirt shorts are frowned upon in EJ's office. Boo hiss to the powers that be!
    Amy: Hopefully the post will justify your excitement, we think it should!


Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!