Friday 9 October 2009

Weekend escape to Antwerp

Image from Scoute

During the height of the recent fashion week craziness we received an email informing us that we had been invited to be part of an exciting weekend trip to Antwerp. We were told that the weekend would consist of a Fashion Treasure Hunt themed event around the beautiful and historic city of Antwerp. Intrigued, the carrot of a weekend escape from London was most welcome and much needed and it saw me through that busy time. The only downside was that only one of us could go. Were we to fight over it to the death? The very idea of this made me more than a little nervous because EJ is a lot stronger and scarier than I am...Thankfully, it wasn't quite as brutal or as bloody as it might have been. As Eliza had already planned her trip to Barcelona (which she arrived back from yesterday evening) she stepped aside and let me take the trip. I'm bummed that she can't come but have promised to take lots of photos and will constantly update her on my progress.

Ever since the Antwerp Six became a sensation in the eighties, the city has produced design talent from its Royal Academy of Arts year after year. This designer conveyor belt provides unique shopping opportunities and a plentiful stock of cutting edge fashion design which I intend to take full advantage of. Some of you might remember that I visited the city back in April but the sole purpose of the visit then was to take advantage of the infamous designer stock sales. It will be nice to revisit Antwerp and really explore what the city has to offer.

So, this weekend I will take my place alongside eight other bloggers from the UK, France and the Netherlands to discover fashionable Antwerp. The other bloggers invited include, Be Frassy, the Cherry Blossom Girl, Fad Tony, Le Mechante, Miss Glitzy, Renee Sturme, This Chick's Got Style and Susie! I only found out Susie had been invited as well after I had agreed to go because over the last few weeks I have barely seen her! If you aren't familiar with the other bloggers the recently launched Shopping in Antwerp site has a little bio on each of us, just click on The Hunt to view them. If you are in Antwerp, you might bump into us running around like crazy people. If not, you can follow our adventures online, if you have any recommendations please drop me a comment below and I will investigate them.


  1. thats brilliant - good luck. and do you know the dates on the next antwerp festival thing which you and susie went to where you got discounted clothes yet? any headsup would be welcome?

  2. Anonymous: Thanks! The next batch of stocksales haven't been announced yet but keep checking this site: for more information.

  3. Have an awesome time!!!

  4. Ooh, how exciting! Have a lovely time. I can't wait to hear about it....

  5. we want a blog, i am having to read susie to see what you're doing. and commiserations on losing the hunt but give us a blog dude

  6. J, Mountain, Anonymous: Thanks! I had an awesome time, just about to catch the Eurostar back to London...posts will follow this evening and tomorrow! It has been such a busy time, unfortunately I can't blog as fast as Susie. Also, we are sharing a laptop and well...Susie doesn't like to share! Ha!

  7. blimey we need to have words with susie - your missives are as important as hers. And how long did that collage take to put together - as amazing as it is she should have given you some air time on the old mac me thinks?

  8. Anonymous, my dear- leave us a name will you? It's getting a bit weird talking to the nameless.

  9. Tis duly noted


  10. Look out for this look!! Twist on a classic suit, or vest.


Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!