Sunday 11 July 2010

A tasty treat

For the past few weeks Susie has been there, everywhere but rarely here. The latest adventure took her to Berlin where in addition to falling for the charms of the German capital while exploring Bread & Butter she discovered numerous menswear treats that she has gladly shared with me. As well as picking up a few business cards and taking mouth watering product photos she brought back something truly special...a tasty treat of an altogether different kind.

The best present a boy could wish for...

When most people's partners return from spells abroad a tasty treat tends to refer to a giant Toblerone but Susie picked up something truly special from Wood Wood. Now, don't get me wrong, I love a novelty sized triangular chocolate like the next man but this backpack from Munich based label akindofguise is the best present a boy could wish for. It is the perfect bag to carry my daily essentials around town and beyond. Made from the softest leather that these grubby mitts have ever stroked I'm forced to type one with hand as the other is reluctant to stop touching it. The real beauty though is in the hand crafted detail so lets take a closer look...

My perfect day bag...carrying my daily essentials in true style.

The profile...

The leather is so soft I don't know whether to wear it or spread it on my sourdough.

I think I'm in love...

akindofguise are a young Munich based label that see their second collection exclusively stocked at Wood Wood in Berlin. All of their pieces are strictly limited edition or are even unique. To the best of my knowledge this backpack is the only one in existence and now it sits proudly on my shoulders. Each item is handcrafted using the finest, premium materials. They mix traditional elements from different backgrounds that inspire them. Return tomorrow and I'll share their latest look book and video with you but for now I just want to stroke my bag and to declare how lucky I am.


  1. It does look wicked soft, even in pictures! And I'm loving the Tommy Ton-esque photography. What lens did you use on this one?

  2. that is a beaut, you are a lucky lad! and it's not even your birthday

  3. Beautiful bag! Love the flap and the white contrast.

  4. akindofguise has some amazing stuff! I love love love the suede biker jacket, and the colour scheme of the whole thing is just perfect.

    Do you know of any brands similar to akindofguise? I understand that most of their products are one of a kind, or difficult to obtain, to say the least.

  5. I WANT ONE! Birthday gift posts (not quite on this level) on my blog atm :D Jordan*

  6. WOW this bagpack is amazing. Where do we buy it ?

  7. this is absolutly wonderful !!!
    i love it !!! AMAZING !
    Where can i buy that stuff ?

  8. Izzy: Thanks matey. I'm using a Nikon 18-200mm VR in these shots.
    Mat: I know! I'm a very lucky boy.
    Miguel Paolo Celestial: Thanks, me too.
    Anonymous: I've not come across a brand quite like this but I would try Soulland, Camo, Albam, Norsea Industries, Acne even.
    Jordan: Oh happy belated birthday!
    Julien, Anonymous: Thanks! Unless you're based in Berlin or Munich you won't be able to buy it I'm afraid. In Berlin head to Wood Wood and in Munich head to Harvest.

  9. It is a beautiful rucksack, and the knowledge that you have something completely unique creates a greater bond between yourself and the item. (but hopefully not getting too attached)

    I find their approach admirable, but surely producing one off items isn't sustainable in the long term, unless ridiculously expense. I guess as they are in their early stages its a way of growing organically, with a view of producing greater numbers as people like yourself create awareness. Then again, they may just want to keep it like it is.

    Anyway, thanks for highlighting this brand to us.

  10. James: That is an extremely good point and I have to confess that my excitement pushed this type of thought to the back of my mind. I'm sure that the numbers will remain limited but hopefully not quite a tightly. I'd love to find out for sure though so leave this with me.

  11. Leather that's as soft as butter is the most wonderful, marvellous, fabulous leather. That handbag is superior! thanks, photos are great on the site, Greg Cambridge

  12. Oh my, that is absolutely beautiful! Will you be letting it age naturally, or do have the mink oil at the ready?


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