Thursday 15 July 2010

Reiss screens Elements for AW10

A still from Reiss' Elements campaign

What do you think of when you walk past Reiss? It is a store that provided my first real suit and a good number of wardrobe essentials over the years when I felt like treating myself on the high street. In truth, I've not ventured inside for some time. Business of Fashion described the high street fixture much better than I ever could; "offering beautifully designed, well-crafted clothing at an honest price, sitting somewhere in the middle of the high street and high-end, Reiss had carved out a distinctive market positioning." However, this unique value proposition was not enough. It has since become an often overlooked chain, its store quietly went about their business. Always on the periphery. No longer. This evening, Reiss screened its new film Elements and I took my seat at the preview. Directed by Jamie Morgan, Elements, provides a much needed adrenaline shot to the veins of the high street and the brand itself.

With Elements Reiss have created something truly unique to the high street.

“This season is a step forward for Reiss with a collection that we are really excited about. Showing our key products in this new and innovative way felt right for where we are going, as a way of capturing all the energy and excitement that is apparent throughout every aspect of our brand. And generally, if we ’re this excited about it, I ’m confident that our customers will be to.”
David Reiss on AW10 and the Elements campaign

The fashion film movement has undoubtedly hit the mainstream in recent seasons and I for one welcome it and am excited to see how the medium evolves. With the realisation that video has such powerful engagement potential as well as an ability to capture the sentiment of the brand, Reiss' decision to showcase the AW10 collection in this manner was a simple one.

“We set out to make art . Our objective was to create a confident and captivating visual statement for Reiss to day an d as a mark of intent for the future. The search for the new and the need to push the boundaries are key to how we stay relevant. ‘Elements’ is the nature of all Reiss stands for while clearly visualising our sexy, modernist stance.”
Andy Rogers, Brand Director

Isaac Carew stylishly facing a torrential downpour.

The creative inspiration came as the result of an artistic collaboration with Jamie Morgan, renowned photographer and film maker who founded London’s creative collective ‘Buffalo’ in the 1980’s. The ‘Buffalo’ collective changed the nature of image making through its pioneering work in The Face. Morgan's sense of exploration and creative instincts then brought him to explore moving images which translated into a series of short but beautifully emotive films as well as portrait and documentary studies. Jamie’s minimalistic and structured style epitomise this evocative and powerful narrative. With 'Elements' Morgan helps to showcase the well crafted products (particularly seen in the tailoring) while visualising the modern, sexy element of the brand. The film attempt to and succeeds at evoking a moment of fashion. Rather than emerging from a purely commercial place, this campaign focuses on creativity and helps capture the magic of fashion. Without further ado, I pass you over to the smouldering pair of Natasa Vojnovic and Isaac Carew braving the elements while joined by an array of symbolic animals...

A full web launch follows this preview in September, coinciding with the arrival of the Autumn/Winter 2010 collection in stores. I might not have popped inside a store for some time but that will change come the autumn.

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