Thursday 16 September 2010


Line from "i carry your heart with me" by E.E.Cummings. Illustration by Little Doodles.

Unless you read us solely through a reader, you must have noticed our redesign and tidy up by now. One of the most obvious changes is the header and we have the wonderfully talented Little Doodles to thank for that. Illustrations such as that one above are the reason we first thought of her to work on the header and we are so pleased with her Style Salvage inspired creations. We hope you like them too.


  1. I really like the new header. I use so I can also see the awesome new sidebar. Does she do fashion illustration as well? So glad to have enough free time to post (fashion week craziness).


  2. everything's changing. i love the new design, looks really fresh and all the side is look slick too.

  3. She is a great illustrator, really nice little sketches.

  4. Very glad to be of service! (Also many apologies for taking so long to comment, must stop being such a blog lurker!)


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