Tuesday 26 October 2010

Close Up And Private In Motion

As you should all know by now, Close Up and Private is an on going project by artist Sergei Sviatchenko which looks to capture the spirit of modern style, as seen through the subtle shades of the individual. We have long been admirers and love the project celebrates classic details alongside contemporary looks through a unique form of photographic documentary. The real beauty of menswear is in the details and this series celebrates them daily. Last night, Sviatchenko dropped us an email to notify us of the latest development in this inspiring series. A film collaboration with media artist Noriko Okaku that brings his body of work to life, Close Up And Private In Motion

The two artists met in Denmark over the summer. Okaku came to Viberg in Denmark, where Sviatchenko lives, to take part in the Artist in Residence programme at The Animation Workshop. When they met it soon became apparent that they shared a common fascination for the beauty of collage and the discussion naturally switched to a collaborative focus. The resulting Close Up and Private in Motion manages to bring Sviatchenko's distinctive and much loved still image collage work to life. The film wonderfully channels the projects quirky sense of sartorial fun.

What I love about this film and the project itself, is that they both clearly prescribe to the belief that dressing each morning should not be a chore or a bore. It reminds us all to have a little fun each morning while putting in a little extra thought in to each outfit. This season, when mornings are are a little grey and dull, rather than hit the snooze button and hide under the duvet in a depressed state, why not leap out of bed and take inspiration from your wardrobe. With this in mind, I'd like to finish with a quote from another great subscriber to this belief, Patrick Grant...

"I think men have lost sight of how much fun it is to be well dressed. It’s actually really fun to spend a little bit of time every morning putting your clothes on, picking tie, picking a handkerchief, choosing a shirt from your wardrobe, picking a jacket and a pair of trousers and putting it all together and feeling great in your wardrobe. It’s really a lovely thing to do each day." 
Patrick Grant speaking to SwipeLife.


  1. It's always great to see the men taking an interest in their fashion and how they should wear what... great article!


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