Thursday 25 November 2010

BoF and Nick Knight Livestream

Tomorrow is a day of talk.  As part of Liberty's shoe weekend, I am hosting the Q&A session with Mr Hare in the men’s shoe department between 5pm and 7pm (please do come down if you can and keep me company. Around the same time, inside London's Hospital Club, Imran Amed of The Business of Fashion will sit down for an in-depth interview with Nick Knight. This will be the third in their series of Fashion Pioneers speaking to a small, select live studio audience in London and livestreamed to thousands of people around the world. This groundbreaking series features innovators at the heart of the constantly evolving, ever fascinating and all consuming fashion industry and gives the audience a rare opportunity to understand fashion from a behind-the-scenes, professional point of view.

There are few individuals who have participated in fashion's digital revolution with the same passion and foresight as Nick Knight. With Amed's knowledgeable direction, Nick Knight will discuss the evolution of fashion image creation in the digital age and reflect on ten years of the groundbreaking website, Not only has Nick Knight created some of the most memorable fashion images of our time but his use of the internet has been truly groundbreaking. There is no doubt that Knight is a true fashion pioneer and I for one am keen to hear his thoughts on where he sees fashion communication moving forward now that we are well in to the digital revolution and to hear what he has learned from his experience with SHOWstudio.

We invite you all to tune in. And while you are watching, please send questions for Nick Knight to the @_BoF_ Twitter account using the hashtag #BoFLive

1 comment:

Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!