Monday 20 December 2010

Advent - Day Twenty

Sergei Sviatchenko's Close Up and Private is an on going project which looks to capture the spirit of modern style, as seen through the subtle shades of the individual. We have long been admirers and love the project celebrates classic details alongside contemporary looks through a unique form of photographic documentary and film. It has been a real highlight of 2010. Here we find out what's on Sviatchenko's Christmas list...


"I came across Thenewno2 a while ago and loved the band immediately. I have asked my two sons to buy me the album" You are here" as a Christmas present. In my opinion Dhani Harrison, who started this band is a very promising personality within this genre of music. He has style, great music abilities and he is a very charismatic person. Furthermore, I read that he graduated from Brown University in the courses Physics and Industrial Design and this impresses me too."

A shot inspired by the logo of the band in Close Up And Private style

PS: He has just launch a new group with Ben Harper and Joseph Arthur named Fistful of Mercy, with the album name "As I Call You Down" - highly recommended."

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