Friday 10 June 2011

LCF BA Show 2011

Over the last few years the LCF BA show has been a real calendar highlight. The menswear in particular has grown ever stronger and we've been introduced to a plethora of real talent. With the likes of Amber Siegel, Asger Juel Larsen and Jade Jung Sun Kim as recent graduates, the moment we enter June I begin to salivate. Despite being marked in my diary for the last few months, I missed out on the opportunity to toast the class of 2011. I even missed the live stream of the show. However, I do have a good excuse. I was on the panel of judges for the LCF for John Lewis collaboration and with the talent of first year students being remarkably high, our judgement took longer than anticipated. So, both my physical and virtual seat remained empty but thankfully, I have not missed out entirely because I recently received Timothy Hill's beautiful backstage photography.   

Over the coming weeks I will acquaint myself with the work of the twenty five students that were selected (from over two hundred graduates in Womenswear, Menswear and Surface textiles) in more detail but for now, I'd just like to to share a few images with you. Below are a selection of menswear students that caught the attention of Timothy Hill's lens... 

Brett de Jager3
Brett de Jager1
Brett de Jager2
Bret de Jager's collection entitled Punx on Safari’, explores and combines the ethos of the 70s punk with that of an African tribal warrior. An intriguing and vibrant juxtaposition.

Nadir Tejani2
Nadir Tejani8
Nadir Tejani was inspired by the rise of surveillance in society. His geometric silhouettes aim to push back against this ever increasing control.

Sean McGirr
Sean McGirr1
Sean McGirr, like I've been, was hugely inspired by his recent travels of Japan to create a collection that is causal, effortless and modern.


  1. It's been a while since last I commented: The few items shown here are fun, colorful, but I wonder if "wearable" fits any of them aside from Sean McGirr's. A question for me is, being in my September years, is anyone producing edgier menswear for gentlemen "d'une certaine âge?"

  2. Steve: Welcome back to the discussion. In terms of London menswear I point you in the direction of Casely-Hayford, a label that strives for innovation through innovation. Or Lou Dalton and Tim Soar. The difficulty in judging a show collection on wearability is that wearable clothes rarely create much of a spectacle on the catwalk. To be truly appreciated they are better suited to a presentation format. Also, it depends upon how you wear any of it of course.

  3. Wow! love the Bret de Jager stuff. Such great colours, and just the right balance of garish and subdued.

  4. I'm with Colin on this one! Bret de Jager looks verrrry wearable to me! All about layering my friend steve! If a piece is good, you find a way to wear it. Especially if you appreciate it!


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