Sunday 17 July 2011

Weekend Reading Tip... Acne Paper Issue 12


Each issue of Acne Paper is created around one key idea and is an eclectic yet coherent creative narrative mix that deserves to be savoured. Read and re-read at one's leisure. Issue twelve is the youth issue and explores a number of questions for the reader. What is it like being a young ballet dancer today, or a classical musician, a playwright, or (most interestingly for us) a craftsman? Through interviews, documentary, photography, portraiture, biography, and of course fashion, the latest issue celebrates many young talents, and also those who look upon youth from a creative point of view. At two hundred and fifty six pages, it is the biggest edition to date. The hefty weight of the issue explains why I opted for a full tea pot to accompany my morning read. Of course you can flick through the issue online but for me, this is a publication that could and indeed should, only be enjoyed in hand.


  1. I love Acne but I've forgotten about in recent weeks. I'll be buying a copy soon. Thanks for the tip.

  2. I love Acne magazine because it isn't the typical print that you would expect from a fashion brand. I feel like Acne is very cultural and less fashion-y than the others and that's why I really like it.



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