Friday 18 November 2011

The Documentary And A Dream AW11


The Autumn/Winter 2011 edition of J. Lindeberg's ‘The Documentary and A Dream’ is the fifth in their series of Biannual Books. The weighty publication was borne out of the desire to tell the complete story of the brand and share their thoughts and values on a level beyond commercial aspects of marketing principles. Each season creatives from various disciplines are invited to freely interpret the seasonal collection and capture a particular theme within the spirit of J. Lindeberg. Here, the talented team have strived to capture the dualism that the label revels in. The quintessentially Scandinavian competing and complimenting the quintessentially continental. Hard clashes with soft, worn against new to create fascinating encounters.

Once again, the contributors list is an impressive one. Joining Creative Director Jörgen Ringstrand are new collaborators David St John-James, Robbie Spencer, Gerry Johansson and Carlotta Manaigo working alongside existing team members including Olivier Zahm, Skye Parrot, Andreas Sjödin, Carl-Johan Paulin, Hannes Hetta, Marine Braunschvig, Marcus Dunberg, Göran Åkestam, Tinka Luiga, Eric Guillemain, Andreas Carlsbecker and Lars Johnson.

The book was launched last night in J. Lindeberg's stunning office and showroom. Now that the hangover sets in and memories of toasting the book thump around my brain, I'm fully aware that the book has now been released. This fifth edition is now available to view at J. Lindeberg stores and online. The narrative it weaves is one that expands way beyond the realms of the standard look book and runway views we are all accustomed to seeing. Throughout the book you are treated to inspiring art works, collages, interviews and an array of wonderful imagery. However, before you go and thumb through it I'd like to share a few of my favourite pages with you...

Book images supplied by J. Lindeberg. The full book is now available online to view.


  1. Great pics! Interesting idea. The whole point of marketing one's product or service used to be, of course, the concept of actually meeting the real needs of the person one was marketing to. Sure we were supposed to make a living, it was just considered not quite nice to make it so obvious that's all one cared about.

  2. Agreed. I think the pics go the length to communicate the book in a minimalist manner.

    I am a fan of minimalism when it comes to communicating as the basics in marketing never fail. Too much noise these days when trying to create brand association and, as the popular say goes, an image is worth a thousand words.

    Great blog by the way. I have just discovered it, I am browsing through all your posts and very much enjoying the reading!

    Kind Regards.


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