Monday 23 January 2012

Uniform of Support


Given Arsenal's current struggles I felt that I needed to do more to help the cause. Other than fill in at full back, what better way to offer myself than devise an Arsenal supporting uniform? With the top half of the ensemble already in place (shirt, scarf and the 125 Destroyer Jacket), a flash of red and white was needed for the lower without looking absolutely ridiculous. The solution was found in the discovery of a NikeiD voucher and, after a few mulled ciders during a festive dinner with friends, a pair of Nike Dunk Lows that would bring a tear to Arsene Wenger's eyes were conceived. A few weeks later and the trainers were born, delivered just in time for the not so Super Sunday. Yesterday was the perfect opportunity to wear them and even though they did little to improve the scoreline, they helped me see in Chinese New Year with the Lau clan and a table busting feast. Gung hay fat choy!

1 comment:

  1. qualiteeeeeeeey! i'm a fan of the other half, though i don't think they would make a great pair of trainers


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