Friday 30 March 2012

Weekend Reading... It's Nice That and Fantastic Man


With Susie continuing to rack up airmiles with a trip to Hong Kong, I too have decided to escape the capital for the weekend to visit EJ in Manchester. As I hurtle northwards in Branson's Pendolino, my journey in the quiet coach will be livened up with two of my favourite publications, the eighth issue of It's Nice That and the eagerly awaited Spring/Summer issue of the ever hard to put down Fantastic Man. Both dropped in stores with bold blue covers as unusually blue skies hover above London and both provide a great reason to sit out in the sunshine for a good read. In its eighth issue It's Nice That interviews offers a broad exploration of Space (there's a definite lack of it sat on this train) and is packed with features on architect John Pawson, art double act John Wood and Paul Harrison, design legend Paula Scher and art collective Slavs and Tatars. The fifteenth issue of Fantastic Man celebrates all manner of gentleman and vacation fashion whilst offering fine reads and discussions including an investigation into the noble sport of race walking, chic fashion stories and general chitchat. There will be no utterances of "Are we nearly there yet?" with such fine companions to occupy my attention.


  1. I've never read either of these to be honest! Might have to give them a try...

  2. i was just saying yesterday that i haven't bought any magazines in ages, may have to plump for these two though. is it's nice that available in stores of just online?

  3. Sounds interesting, will definately check this out.

  4. Thanks so much for the post. Great read!! Really looking forward to read more. Want more.

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