Monday 4 June 2012

Style Stalking (Snapshot) in Tokyo once again

Given my almost Victorian fear of showing off too much leg (no advance on the ankle) the short suit is something I've always been too quick to discount. However, in moments of warm weather when the streets are so often overrun with a cacophony of far too casual wear that share far too much anatomical information, surely the short suit is a better option than most. When worn well this sartorial hybrid feels even more feasible. In the glowing heat of Tokyo we encountered the practically perfect preppy example. In his mix of Opening Ceremony, Fred Perry and Tricker's, this Tokyoite struck the balance between smart and casual.



  1. you gotta give it to the japs. they definitely got style!

  2. i was just talking about short suits the other day, great example

  3. I wholeheartedly agree about the "anatomical information" bit, though am occasionally guilty myself in pursuit of breeze maximization :/ This guy wears his short suit well!

  4. Super cool outfit! Love geek chic at its best.


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