Sunday 7 October 2012

Autumn Favourites... Johnny Ridley

Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns," wrote the Victorian novelist George Elliot. I think so many, when it comes to dressing atleast, have similar emotions. The mix of fabrics and textures that we wear on a daily basis combine to create our sartorial comfort blankets. Autumn just feels like home. This is certainly true of Johnny Ridley. Having recently returned from a year working in New York to join the Sane family in London, the seasonal snap currently being enjoyed in our capital is particularly welcome. Here, Ridley celebrates his homecoming in familiar favourites...

"I've never quite understood the rules of dressing for summer; my twenty-something years in the nigh Baltic north schooled me in little beyond the merits of a 'proper jumper' and the fact I could always rely on my corner shop stocking a wonderful array of 'magic gloves,' irrespective of season. Years after leaving and nothing much has changed.

Having endured a sweat stained summer in New York, I find myself in the arms of a delightfully chilly London. Autumn's arrival has thankfully meant my wardrobe feels somewhat relevant again. I tend to go for hard wearing clothes, perhaps in part because most won't enjoy a seasonal retirement, or perhaps because my budget doesn't allow for rapid change. I love layering - as much for the look as the practicality of it all. Throwing a beautiful layer atop an existing outfit makes it all the more easy to step out and feel 'dressed''s just a case of finding those great pieces. This SEH Kelly knit fits with virtually anything and replaces a coat in the current easy choice. Boots are by U.S company Wolverine, super hard wearing and look better with age. The same applies to these jeans by Edwin. My R6 bag has been with my on all my travels and is deceptively large, carries everything I need and doesn't look too formal."
Ridley on feeling at home in Autumn.

Shirt and shawlneck knit by SEH Kelly, bracelet by Giles & Brother, jeans by Edwin, boots by Wolverine worn over socks (if they were on show) by Universal Works all topped off with a hat from Drake's.


  1. i know this location! is this that park where u walk up so many stairs to?

  2. Really like the boots! Good, rich color but a worn look to them to take the shine off. Nice.


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