Monday 11 February 2008

Blues on purpose

I've been more than a little neglectful of this here blog the past week or so, and while I could blame this on starting my new job, my visit to London or my side projects (ahem) including helping out at Independent Fashion Bloggers, really it's just been a mild case of the blues. I got blase and suit blind. Lovely as the offerings from the various fashion weeks have been, I got a bit... bored. I know, I know, there was a huge range of stuff out there, but some weeks it's just hard for me to find. I busied myself reading my latest blog crush, finishing my long neglected Christmas book and avoiding the last of the unpacking.

Thankfully, I wasn't sick of music... and Outkast were there to restore my interest in men's clothes. While So Fresh, So Clean has been a bit of anthem for me when it comes to getting dressed, it's the video the Whole World that reminds me that there's more to stylish men than suits...

... there's multi-coloured capes, top hats and skeleton make up as well! Every single time I watch this video I just want to dig through my wardrobe and play dress up in the classiest ways possible. Plus, who can possibly be sad when dancing to Outkast?


  1. That collabroation would be amazing! Just think of the outfits!

  2. Short answer - no one. None should be sad while dancing. (Unless you are dancing along while holding a pillow. Then it is allowed, but not necessarily recommended.)

    Dress-up the classiest ways possible - I think everyone is waiting for those pics. And I seem to recall you said you'd take some...? Ahem...?


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