Monday 11 February 2008

The only sunglasses to wear inside a club

Am I mad to want a pair of these sunglasses?

My love for Daft Punk has been documented at great length on this blog and although the purists out there didn't like Kanye West reworking the song, I loved it and can't get enough of Kanye right now. Seriously, he was featured in this months Vogue where he gave his pick of the shows and he had some insightful and interesting points. Anyway, enjoy the performance!

Oh my god, I just fangirled so much I almost passed out. The.. the.. the EVERYTHING! I'm off to Cyberdog now to get me some of these. But first I might just have to watch that again...

EDIT: Pants, all the versions of this have been taken down on YouTube... anyone know where we can find a copy? I'm desperate to watch this again!


  1. Kanye may be a pompous ass sometimes, but he's OUR pompous ass. I really liked the Daft Punk reworking.


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