Sunday 29 June 2008

Happy birthday to us

Doesn't time fly when you're having fun? It's slightly over a year since we started out and we decided it was time for a bit of an update. We had originally planned to do this in time for the anniversary, but who says you can't celebrate 1 year and 9 days instead?

To celebrate the 1 year and 9 days, we have trawled through the 210 posts and picked out some of our favourites:

- EJ still think that this guy looks good and Steve is still unsure but doesn't want to open up the treggings debate

- Surreal moment of the year (and 9 days) has to be when we interviewed one of Foals

- ...and slightly less surreal but still good fun was when we interviewed Daniel Jenkins

- We enjoyed being a style adviser for the day

- Exploring the tailoring options out there

- Steve enjoyed the challenge of wardrobe salvaging and needs to do it again soon.

We hope you've enjoyed the year as much as we have!


  1. happy birthday!!!

  2. Yes, he does need to wardrobe salvage more, and congrats on the year!

  3. Happy Birthday!

    This post feels like a greatest hits album. Cheers!

  4. It's been quality blogging all the way! Congrats guys!



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