Sunday 3 August 2008

Bat hair

During my second viewing of The Dark Knight (at the Imax this time, MAN that's a big screen) I became slowly but increasingly obsessed by one thing. It wasn't an obsession with the Joker's make up this time, though I daily have to stop myself buying face paint now, or with Jim Gordon (best Gordon ever) but with Bruce Wayne's hair.

It changes slightly in every scene, but keeps a similar style: slight side parting, swept but not really slicked back using what seems to be gel (hair gel! Does anyone use that any more in this age of hair wax?). It's quite 80s, functional but slightly feminine somehow... believable for a man who needs to be able to wear a armoured cowl at any moment, but who's also a businessman and playboy.

I know this post is all a bit 'fangirl' but just be glad that I'm not telling you how to apply the perfect Joker-style warpaint. I'll save that for another post...

Oh man, I'm jealous that you've seen it again, it is on my to do list. I like the simplicity of the hairstyle. I would assume that Mr Wayne would not use hair gel died a death in 1998, when boys the world over took a hard look at themselves in the mirror and realised they looked quite ridiculous. My prediction is that Bruce would use a hair grooming creme, my favourite is by Bumble and Bumble. The style element which has left a lasting impression on me is The Joker's getup which has a remarkable attention to detail, summed up best by the colourful patchwork socks. However, the complete look of blue patterned shirt, blue pinstripe trousers, olive green waistcoat with faded gold and black tie stylishly screams crazed super villain. My particular favourite element of the look is the fitted purple trench-coat with contrasting red lining which is awesome.


  1. haha, I'm glad you noticed the patchwork socks too! I gotta get me some of those...

  2. I'm glad you noticed the patchwork socks too!

  3. We provided these socks and we still have some in stock!


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