Sunday 3 August 2008

Platonic love for your fellow man

Gert Jonkers tries to read the morning paper whilst he's unimpressed by your man crush

According to the latest issue of Observer Woman Magazine every straight man needs a man crush. It is a love that has only recently found a slight murmur, barely able to speak its own name (surely there has to be a beter name for it than man crush???) : platonic, heterosexual man on man adoration. Apparently "the man crush can happen between two straights, two gays, a straight and a gay - any two's based on admiration and charisma more than sexuality" (Michael Musto, Village Voice). I very much dislike the term 'man crush' but strongly believe that such a thing exists, just looks at some of the posts on this and many of your blogs and you have to concede that there are other men we admire. For GQ's editor Dylan Jones "as a British men's magazine it is incumbent on us to have a new man crush every five minutes...Our crushes go with the zeitgeist and don't last long. Men can be cruel like that." I would like to think that my affections are longer lasting that those described by Dylan Jones. Some of my own longer lasting admirations include Lucas Ossendrijver, Kanye West, Christopher Bailey, Charlie Porter, Daft Punk, Gert Jonkers...the list is somewhat embarrassingly long and includes the odd person who I enjoy a complex love hate relationship with like Pharrell Williams. Be rest assured that my notebooks aren't filled with 'I love...' but there is nothing wrong with an admission of same sex adoration, is there? From a young age we have all had heroes and posters of star's on our walls so why relinquish this when we get that little bit older? The full article by Simon Mills can be read here.


  1. hahah that' s so funny... i know a guy who's this really smart and geeky, that for one reason or another every straight guy thinks he's the best dude on earth. every time i talk to him, my bf asks who i'm talking to, and when it's him, he runs over and says... "you're talking to andrew? tell him i said hi!"

    it's so strange.

  2. haha its so true, it is pretty normal i reckon though. there is this group of teenage boys that always come into where i work and they always asking silly things like "would you wear this, and is this cool enough for you to wear". every week we curtain boys get it at work. kinda groupies if you like.

  3. You both highlight the point that this phenomena transcends fame and the cult of celebrity but can effect us mere mortals. I like the idea of platonic male groupies but I'm sure it would get quite annoying after a while.

  4. Seemingly reminds me of the way the Ancient Greeks were...

    Such phenomenon really exists in the context of today.

  5. "man-crush" is still a better term than "bromance."


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