Friday 22 August 2008

Men Represent: Men of wardrobe_remix

A little late, here are my favourite men's outfits submitted to wardrobe_remix in the last few weeks and a very brief summary of what I like best about each of them. Steve's will follow when he's all moved in to his new flat.
Men Represent - Day 1
Thom really set the bar for the week with this one. Hat, jacket and nonchalance are my favourite bits of this outfit.

Cozy, classy layering. Love the glasses. I'm just love hoodies too.

Hint: I'm a sucker for buffalo check. Anyone else being dragged to the new Hellboy film and praying that it's good?

This is a woman's shirt! Fear not gender labels on clothes! (also love the cuffing on the shorts)

The hair! The shades! The ability to wear white envy! (I spill) Did I mention the hair?

Great shirt, great hat, great watch.

Love the flash of stripes and the mooooon boots. I love stomping around in those moon boots almost as much as Steve does.

Gian killed me with his gloves and shoes combo... not to mention the silk flowers!

P.S. Because Steve is so busy moving all his worldly possessions to a new abode with the lovely SB, this week's Men Represent task will be extended for an extra week... keep those style icons coming!


  1. These guys all look great. I love it when men care about how they dress. Where I live, that's a rarity.

  2. gian and thom for the win! haha :)

  3. thank god it's extended! lol

    now, time to post some more hence the strength in numbers thing for Men Represent!! ;)

  4. Gian looks like a gentlemen killer...not a killer of gentlemen, but the other kind of rogue that haunted highways.

    I might be the only person who thinks that's a compliment.

    Love that Cheap Monday t-shirt.

  5. Haha, compliment taken! haha

  6. love the gloves. great look for fall.


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