Monday 3 November 2008

Buck Magazine Review - The tea party

Dearest EJ

The first issue of BUCK came out last week and I managed to pick it up from the smallest of newsagents come tuck shops just outside of my workplace - if I can get it there it must be widely available because ordinarily they have none of my usual reads. Have you had a chance to flick through it yet at the newstands? To celebrate the launch of this men's lifestyle magazine aimed at twenty somethings we had to do something special and what could be more special than throwing a tea party where I could discuss the issue with one Susie Bubble. We were inspired by a recent documentary which we caught on BBC4 the other night on David Oglivy (the first and real Mad Man - I recommend the documentary if you've not seen it already) who without fail had tea at 4:30. Who knows maybe we can make this a regular feature and throw tea parties across the land where one and all can discuss the goings on within menswear over a cup of tea and a biscuit. The world would be a better place if everything shut down at tea time and practiced this great tradition.

As a first issue this is really promising, the aesthetics of each page are impressive and they are filled with varied content, everything from recipes to home furnishings to how to tie a bow tie. For me this publication fills a gap within the men's style magazine market. For too long the focus has been on aspirational men's lifestyle magazines for middle aged men and as the menswear market has developed in recent years it is great to see the magazine market grow and support it. There are a number of exciting menswear designers - J.W Anderson, Siv Stodal, Carola Euler, SOAR, Bjork & McElligott to name just a few (a number are featured in this issue) and it is great to see a magazine give such designers a platform and voice rather than merely showcasing the usual suspects. My only concern would be it's appeal outside of London and I fear that it will be your main criticsim as well. However, there are so many anglophiles interested in the London scene that this magazine will have a solid readership from the off. What more, the second issue is the New York issue - so a variety of location focus looks to be a key facet of the publication and it should be able to keep everyone happy! I am keen to see how they approach the New York issue, I hope it manages to keep the insider feel and that it unearths some interesting finds.

I have to admit that I was a little unsure about the title of the magazine when I first heard it and we did talk about this when we first heard about the magazine but the Editor's (Steve Doyle) letter helped to change my mind:
"I needed a name that conjured up this man - young, independent, a man who doesn't want to be instructed to buy a lifestyle but wishes to see what's new and inspiring from across the globe. A man who does his own thing regardless. In the great tradition of the English eccentric, a modern renaissance man; a young Buck."

We invite you into our strange little world...would you care for a coffee and walnut cake? This video makes me realise the degree to which I am Susie's little bit of rough though, I need to take classes in annunciation!


  1. I've not noticed this release but will check it out. Your Sunday looks to have been most strange but amusing all the same.

  2. I loved this video in Style Bubble and that's how I found you.

  3. The review was spot-on, but one thing I noticed was that Buck was a great deal like Japanese fashion magazine Men's Non-no.

    Both are largely picture based, feature several pages of street style and tutorials. They also focus on the more wearable, but still fashion forward side of men's fashion.

    I'll email you a copy of Men's Non-no if you want to check it out.

  4. I love the standard layout of Japanese style magazines. The content is always much more varied than your average UK/US publication. I've not come cross Men's Non-no and would love to see it so it would be great if you could email me an copy.

  5. It's nice to see a magazine that's not prescribing a certain lifestyle, a particular look, and a certain code of conduct. It's more like a well thought of amalgamation of this and that. I'm somehow aiming for the content to become more cohesive (so that readers might not get lost in transaltion) but other than that, it's a promising one.

  6. yeah its a pretty good first issue..i like the streetstyle section. im an irish reeader way out on the nort west coast so it has appeal for me even though it is pretty london- centric

  7. i live in new york city and im trying to find the december issue (2nd issue.. new year new york).. no luck thus far. i need to see the streetstyle section! someone took my photo for it and i want to know if i made the cut!


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