Monday 3 November 2008

Celebrities to go uggly?

This is the most provocative headline I've read for some time which is saying something given that there have been some ridiculous ones in recent weeks what with the US Election and the Brand/Ross BBC saga. For me there is a great deal of room for men to interpret the world of fashion and style and interpret them to fit them as an individual. I dislike the very idea of following rules in all aspects of life but in particular with regards to personal style. I do have one rule/commandment though:

Men shall not wear ridiculous bear feet monstrosities instead of actual shoes/boots.

Is there anything to salvage from di Caprio's outfit?

I appreciate the fact that these boots have some appeal; they are supposedly very comfortable and warm but no self respecting man should be wearing them outside the confines of his own home and question marks can even be raised when he's wearing them in the safety of his own abode. These are comfortable slippers nothing more. They should only be worn when the the central heating packs up or if you have circulation trouble. At £140 these are far from cheap as well and there must be more affordable and better looking options out there for those who suffer from cold toes. Male celebrities should certainly know better! Sadly, once again this is a case of a celebrity having more money than (fashion and style) sense. You have let us all down Mr Di Caprio but most of all you have let yourself down. How can we take your ideas on politics seriously when you wear such ridiculous boots and combine them with that purple velour tracksuit?

My favourite part of the article was the final paragraph where an unnamed editor of a men's magazine (Dylan Jones perhaps?) told the newspaper:

"They are a monstrosity. They are like glorified slippers. You may as well shuffle down the street in your pyjamas and a pair of incontinence pants."

Disclaimer: If I've offended anyone by posting about my distaste for this particular choice of footwear, I apologise (for your bad taste, mwahaha). In all seriousness thought, if you think you wear these boots wear then let us know, you can even send us images and who knows you might be able to change my mind.

Oh god, this is really testing my salvaging skills... um, um... like the purple, just not on Mr DiCaprio? At least he's adding colour to his wardrobe? Maybe there's something tasty in that plastic bag?? Oh, I give up. Perhaps this is just his fancy dress costume for Halloween... and he's dressing as JLo from about 8 years ago... Someone please tell me this is a belated April Fools joke!


  1. I love your tone so much! Haha it's quite entertaining. I completely agree. That's why they're called Uggs, because they're Ugglay!

  2. Don't believe the hype, the articles are a PR plant. Both the Independent and the Telegraph have exactly the same article on their websites.



  3. jeyq - I'm really not a fan and the name is too much of a coincidence right? The person who designed this shoe is laughing somewhere that they have become so popular!
    selectism-jason: I think you might just be right there. I noticed a strong advertising push by UGG online today, they even roadblocked the MSN homepage which isn't cheap (I work in digital marketing)!

  4. I think you're wrong Steve. I think he IS wearing his pajamas. How else do you explain this velvet onesie look? Unless of course he's taking a stroll down Sesame Street, fitting in with the muppet natives?

  5. Ian - for some reason it depresses me more to think that he might be wearing his pjs... all those hot girlfriends he has had had to put up with him wearing this fugly mess for bed? Ugh!

  6. ian - haha, I love the idea that he might be filming an episode of Sesame Street! Today's word of the day is certainly fuggly.

  7. Uggs are for inside (both for men and women). Period. :P

    Yes, they are very warm and comfy and should be worn bare foot. That's the best. I don't understand why these people think they can wear them outside. The soles are made with pretty cheap rubber so they won't withstand rough treatment anyhow.

  8. I think this picture is a few years old, but I agree that those uggs (and the purple suit) are ugly.

    For some more recent, better (fashionwise) pictures of Leo :

  9. yuk, it makes me cringe when i see a man wearing them, let alone girls that walk around scuffing their feet.

  10. Absolutely nothing to salvage from Leo's outfit, I'm afraid.

  11. I don't have anything to comment on those... eeeeh, lacking proper footwear term here, well let's just stick to monstrosities, haha! Not inside nor outside, wear fun and warm socks or slippers while lounging then put on decent shoes when you walk out.

  12. And to EJ: I wish I could knit properly, then I'd make myself all the chunky and oversized scarves in the world! But for now and untill I learn this amazing handcraft I'll buy good scarves and customize to make them more personal and unique.

  13. Uggs aren't for me, but with the breath of fresh air and new come together spirit ushered in by OBAMA'S VICTORY!!!!!!!!! I will just say let us not be judgmental about other people's style.

  14. Oh lordie lord.... I refuse to accept Ugg's as proper footwear for any occasion. I will excuse them for wearing around the home and that is it...and then only for women. The soles are pathetic and they have no structural support, they truly are hyped up and glorified slippers!

  15. J - I have to admit that I woke up at 5:30 this morning just to check on the election. I went back to bed happy. I believe that it is the time for change. Time for diCapprio to change his boots.

  16. J - I have to admit that I woke up at 5:30 this morning just to check on the election. I went back to bed happy. I believe that it is the time for change. Time for diCapprio to change his boots.

  17. Thanks for your job. I like this site. keep up it.

  18. Just found this blog so am reading some older posts. I'm a female reader but with a stylish husband who I buy clothes for from time to time so I hope to get some ideas! He gets a lot of compliments so hopefully we are doing something right.

    On the Uggs, I agree the traditional sheepskin slipper style ones are awful on a man. But, when we lived in the North East US I did buy him some Uggs which are effectively a leather boot with a decent sole and sheepskin fleece inside. Very warm; much appreciated in that climate; and not at all like a pair of slippers.


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