Thursday 19 February 2009

Burberry The Beat Giveaway: We have a Winner

Last week we launched The Burberry Giveway and after sifting through the entries it is time to announce a winner...Drum rolls please...

The winning entry came from J who submitted an amusing little story...

Though not wanting to be known as the Margate murderer, Steve’s sartorial standing demanded that he defend his honor. The spectators of the duel gathered around the fallen Steve as a magenta spot on his grazed gluteus maximus oozed through his knee shorts taking its place among the pastel polka dots. The same pastel polka dots that gave rise to this trivial altercation with the toothless codger whom he happened upon in the corridor of a Piccadilly pub.

Congratulations J, you will soon be able to douse himself in Burberry's new scent, Burberry The Beat.

As there were a number of entries which made us chuckle we'd like to award a few runners up places. Unfortunately, these win nothing but a virtual pat on the back and our warm thanks...but well done to you all.

Agy Deyn's Winky...

Thom Wong:
What is it?" "I think it might, but I can't be sure." "I'm scared." "We're all scared Colin. I say we just burn it." "Agreed."
and we also liked another one of his efforts:
The midget formerly known as Karl Lagerfeld.

Eloise Chen:
"Guys, I want you all to look in here. It's empty. Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?!....Don't give me those faces."

Thanks so much for all of your entries, hopefully there will be another giveaway soon.


  1. Color me jealous. And not as nice smelling.

  2. Awww thanks j by any other name will smell as sweet!

  3. Ian Brown: Next time you have to enter!
    J: It was a joint decision, both myself and EJ loved your entry! Please send us an email with your contact details and we can then pass them on to Burberry. Here's to smelling good.


Be nice. Leave us your name- we like to know who we're talking to! All spam comments will be deleted- this includes anyone calling themselves 'men designer jackets' and the like!