Friday 20 February 2009

Style Stalking... Elliott James Sainsbury (Part Two)

Considering Part One of Elliott's Style Stalking made most of us drool all over our keyboards we should warn you guys to get a towel at the ready because here comes part two. Photos, once again, by Holly Falconer.

Day five:
Coat- Mjolk for Topman. Vintage shirt- charity shop. V-neck- Costume National. Jeans- Cheap Monday. Shoes- Church's. Bag- Battersea Car Boot Sale.


Day six:
Vintage blazer- East End Thrift Store. Shirt, scarf and bag- Battersea Car Boot Sale. Customised trousers- Topman. Shoes- Lanvin.


Day seven
Vintage denim jacket- Barnardo's. Shirt- Uniqlo. Cardigan- Miu Miu. Jeans- H&M. Scarf- Siv Stoldal. Customised boots- Meadham/Kirchoff for Topman. (Dan Jenkins pointed out to us via twitter that Elliott appears to be hovering in this pic)


It is clear from this week of style that Elliott has a keen eye and can beauitfully mix designer, vintage and high street to create some stunning looks. So, as well as a week's worth of Elliott style we asked him to offer a few shop recommendations:

Battersea Car Boot sale is what my Sundays now revolve around. It's so amazingly sociable, just pottering round looking through other people's likes and dislikes, and brain-achingly good value for money. Everything I buy from there adds richness to my wardrobe. The red plaid shirt I'm wearing above and the bag with the writing across it cost £3.50 for both. Legendary.

Dover Street Market is my favourite shop, ever. That it manages to exist- with labels you can't buy anywhere else, constant surprises popping up and the best design of any 'department store', ever- is a miracle. It's like a fashion museum and cannot be recommended highly enough.

Lanvin, Savile Row: If you're going to buy Lanvin I recommend from here. The exterior is beautiful with those kind of Alber-like tableaux showing off the clothes on dummies. Inside the staff are sharp, the selection is awesome and the changing rooms make you feel like you're actually in Paris. Expensive, but they do a great sale and it always makes me excited like a kid again.

Browns Labels For Less: I'm a big fan of Browns but last week was led in here. It doesn't look like much from the outside but inside they have great recent stuff hidden away with tons of Raf, Lanvin, Dries. It's the real deal.

Salvation Army, Wandsworth High Street: To my mind the best charity shop in London. Half my wardrobe comes from there, and my bedroom- they have great suitcases and Victorian mirrors every time I visit, for some reason, for a fiver each. I've got countless shoes from here, scarves, brooches, they have amazing books and really cheap furniture. A prince amongst charity shops but no religious affiliation should be gleaned from this.


  1. smooth again. i bought that mjolk trench last season but it was cropped and wasnt as good as that one. i didnt realise there was a longer version, doh!

    i also have that same uniqlo shirt, got a few when i was in london last week.

    these tyrp of posts are great, keep up the stalking.

  2. Love his style and I love these posts, please keep up the style stalking guys

  3. Hi Steve and everyone who's posted a comment!

    Thanks so much, It's really flattering... haha...

    And I can't believe Daniel Jenkins is twittering about my floating! It's an optical illusion I tells you...

  4. The stalking things is a really great idea. Elliot has got an amazing sense of style.

    Also wanted to say you are by far my favourite fashion blog. Keep up your great work.

  5. A bunch of outfits to covet yet again! hahahahaa


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