Hey Eliza
This for me is how I would love to dress this summer (if we had an actual summer!) and is courtesy of The Sartorialist. Yes, the ankle bracelet is controversial (demonstrated by The Coherent) and not everyone could pull it off but I think the guy in the picture does (but I have seen other less attractive attempts). All of the components of his outfit work so well together. The muted colours are great for the overall relaxed feel of the outfit. I love interesting accessories when subtly used. His ankle bracelet compliments his shoes perfectly and his trousers with no socks combo is great for this time of year. Oh I just wish Summer was actually here. The guy's style isn't perfect though, I'm not too keen on the tan or the shaved legs but as a whole for me this is great seasonal dressing. The outfit would be complete with a neutral coloured hat. My search continues...hopefully next weekend the sun is out and it will motivate me to purchase one.
Much Love
Hey hey!
Sorry to be so dreadfully slow at replying but family visits and getting all my hair cut off took it out of me this weekend. This is one of those things you can't put your finger on... it probably shouldn't work, and on someone else it wouldn't but I think he gets away with it. I think maybe if he was younger the ankle bracelet would look too affected. The shaved legs thing is a little weird, but really hairy legs would be worse. I think this requires fair haired, tanned and not too hairy legs. I absolutely adore those shoes they really make it for me. I love men in white shoes at the moment, as long as they're not too shiny (the shoes that is, not the men!). I really will stop writing about hats in every post but I saw a couple of nice ones in a shop on Oldham Street- remind me to take you there this weekend.
By the way, the sun is out here this evening- lovely, lovely.
Speak soon,
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