Stolen Girlfriends Club's 'Going Somewhere Fast'
We have entered press day season. A chance for editors, fashion writers stylists and even a few lowly bloggers like me to inspect a few of our favourite recent collections while being introduced to a few new ones along the way. Thursday saw myself and Susie zig zag our way across town as we squuezed in as many viewings as possible. As you could probably tell from my excited live tweeting, it was a productive day. There were just so many sartorial treats on display, from James Long's textured knitwear and Aitor's trousers to Lou Dalton's Isle of Skye tartan rebels to bstore's plaid suit and cute yet practical leather accessories. These are of course all favourite discoveries from LFW's Menswear Day but it was wonderful to be able to inspect them all up close. However, as much delight I took from stroking Long's knits, even more glee was taken from the discovery of Stolen Girlfriends Club's latest collection...

I was particularly enamoured with the knitwear
In recent months I have stumbled across a number of interesting menswear design talent emerging from Australasia. none more so than Stolen Girlfriends Club. The label was launched by three New Zealanders, creators and partners in transgressions; Dan (Gosling), Marc (Moore) and Luke (Harwood), who despite their Christian names sounding like a meeting of biblical proportions, are indeed full of vices and these filter down through to their collections. For their ninth collection ‘Going Somewhere Fast’ celebrates nomads, gypsies and vagabonds from around the globe.

Drawing inspiration from a variety of cultures and countries this collection is a mish mash of existence. The end result is best described as a nomadic biker gang of Sherpa mountain climbers and their kidnapped trophy girlfriends.
Biker references are rife in this collection with chunky gold zip detailing on the wool Melton ‘Biker Coat’ and the ‘Wanderer’ gang‐badge on the back of over sized grandfather style cable knits. Hand crocheted Yeti cardigans, scarves, hats and ‘Long John’ stripe knits transport you from open roads to mountaintops with consummate ease. I want to be a moutain scaling, nomadic biker for AW10! I'm not sure I'm quite bad arse enough but at least I can dress the part....
1 comment:
How I envy thee! Im a tad obsessed with your blog!
Yours Truly
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