I had been debating whether or not book a whole weekend of fun and frolics at Vintage at Goodwood for the last few months so when myself and Susie were offered a day ticket by the British Fashion Council we jumped on to the coach. For those of you unfamiliar with the festival, it is fresh to the ever growing summer circuit and combines art, music, fashion and film while celebrating Britain of the 1940s, 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. We accepted the trip to add support behind London's New Gen finest at a special show entitled 'Future Vintage' - the collectibles of the future that include Louise Gray, Holly Fulton, Michael van der Ham, Mary Katrantzou and David Koma. As expected there were school trip style japes throughout the day with London's emerging talent but there was plenty of time to explore the vintage space and ample opportunity to partake in our favourite pastimes, people watching.
It was quite fascinating observing the crowds diverse interpretation of vintage and to see how that filtered down in to their choice of attire for the day. Rather than become bewildered by the ensembles I chose to focus on the details. Below are a few that caught my eye...
It was quite fascinating observing the crowds diverse interpretation of vintage and to see how that filtered down in to their choice of attire for the day. Rather than become bewildered by the ensembles I chose to focus on the details. Below are a few that caught my eye...

Amazing boots - any idea where they're from/who they're by?
i was just about to say the same thing cillian!
Cillian and Mat: You have fine taste and of course I do. They caught my eye because the style is remarkably similar to a pair I tried on last week (the Casely-Hayford boots - more on these on the blog). They are by John Moore. Made in England and awesome. Unfortunately these vintage boots were a little too small for me I would have snapped them up otherwise.
I love events like this and the spectacular efforts people make with way they look. However, like the tweed run, I have slight niggling issues with the whole 'costume' nature of them. I think it is possible to incorporate elements or the spirit of previous eras on a more regular basis into a contemporary idiom without it being fancy dress.
Yay, love the John Moores. i have 2 pairs. *Greedy guts*
THis was eye candy overload. I need to lay down.
I joke but I really like the pink mountain range tee. I would love to have it!
Michael: I had the very same concerns when I decided to go the event. I am far more interested in how people appropriate styles from the past and apply it to a modern wardrobe.
Rollergirl: Jealous! I'm going to hunt down a pair in my size.
Joy: Hope you had a nice lie down! Teehee.
You had me all the way up to that cuffed jean! Not a big fan of the cuffed jean. You can add capri's to that list. I think, for a guy, they dont look right. Just my opinion
I rather like that pink mountain range print shirt, and his hair is pretty awesome to boot. I need to find some pomade to try the whole pomp thang.
I really liked this shoe collection.Stanley Lewis brings you the most contemporary mens designer socks which suits your boot & makes your feet comfortable.
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